Construction notes
Here is my 13 foot deep hole, in which we are burying a Mercedes, I mean, a septic.
This is one of the 40, yes, I did say 40, massive dumptrucks that brought the Special Australian Sand which is so important to the success of a septic in NJ. (I'm kidding. It's not really Australian sand; it is priced as if it were, though)
(That would be the back hoe to end all backhoes out the window)
Looks pretty cheerful doesn't he?
This scene? That used to be my backyard. They built a road so the trucks wouldn't sink into my nice yard when they brought their multi-ton loads. (Too bad they couldn't do the same thing for my driveway)
Here he goes. (The guy running things was looking suspicious so I hid behind my window on this one, which is why the white stuff is there. Rookie, here.)
Dumps away.
You thought this was a knitting blog, didn't you?
I just wanted to share the joys of installing a maniacs-run-totally-amok DEP septic in the state of NJ.
Those logs? Two enormous ash trees-that-were.
The bulldozer?
That would be parked on my present septic system (despite my requests to not do so. Sometimes it's hard to be a woman.)
The fun just never stops around here.
Yes, that's one of my boys-- no longer building massive Lego warships, he's building something far more formidable... a dump truck.
Looks pretty cheerful doesn't he?
Some nice knitting, you think?
Maybe tomorrow.