Camp Prep
This having been the year of the Great Knitting Slump, pickings are a bit slim. There are WIPs a-plenty but not much in the way of completed projects.
Below are the most likely, two shawls completed before the GKS.
What I don't like about this year, is how few of my simmering lace ideas I have actually followed through to some sort of activation. Some I had even forgotten about, until I happened on my notes.
Above are a few things in varying states of work, which I might bring to work on while at Camp. (I freely admit that I really delight in choosing some new and Totally Different thing to start while there and finish madly in the weeks after I get home)
And name tags-- I should make a new one but probably won't. The name tags are on top of Pride and Prejudice, one of my all time favorite books. This is an annotated version full of wonderful insight into the English culture during the time Jane Austen wrote, humorous insight into the characters, and a myriad of other commentary on the book.
I have been delighting in this, which was recommended to me by a fellow knitter (thanks, Janine!) If interested, it is annotated by David Shapard. I highly recommend it for anyone, but especially a Jane Austen fanatic.
This is just a silly swatch. No, I am not thinking of making a Faroese-inspired sweater, whatever do you mean? It is just a random swatch. Maybe it will grow up to be something different, you never know.