Nowhere near the wagon

I just got this last night (it got snowed on, but luckily those USPS priority mail envelopes seem to have some Water Repulsion Capability). Yes, it's a Bohus Stickning kit. I purchased it from a friend, who did not want to/have time to knit it. It is my favorite, I think (though it's a tough league-- they are all stunning).
Forest Darkness.
This picture (of course) does not do the colors justice. Nor, of course, the texture. Half angora. Half Merino. Really, what is not to like in that?

I am going to start it in January. My only nagging anxiety is the fineness of the gauge, in combination with the miles, and miles, of black stocking stitch. Not sure how I will deal with that...unless because this yarn is Luxury Personified and who can resist working with it, black or otherwise.

Now, I am sure some of you can appreciate my falling off the wagon for a Bohus kit. At least, I would hope so.

But what about the other 24 (or thereabouts, what's 5 or 6 more between friends) skeins of various things (including Malabrigo, my new fave) that are trolling this way thru the mail?

What can I say. That wagon I fell off of is just rolling away from me, high speed, while I roll around (reveling) in yarn.

The reality is that when I have Zero Time to knit, I have to make up for it somehow. That is when my resistance to yarn is at its all time low. Anyone else have that problem?

Not knitting on, but yarning on ;)


Nancy said…
Santa is bringing me Wild Apple. (as long as I stay good and the jultomtens don't wisk it back to Sweden!) The Bohuses are all so wonderful. You'll have a wonderful time with Forest Darkness. I agree with you that when we feel most stressed and unable to knit is when we initiate a yarn search (and pet our skeins we call interior decorating)!

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