Martin Luther King Jr Day

There has not been a ton of knitting around here, but do have a couple of photos to show you, and I also want to publicly remember a great man on his day.

Most people are familiar with MLKjr's "I have a Dream" speech, in DC, and if you have never heard his delivery of this speech, I highly recommend this, to see for yourself... but there was so much more to this wonderful man.

Last evening my husband brought down an enormous book called The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our children looked at it and said, that is just his "essential" writings?? How much was there all together? Well, a lot. His death was a great loss to our entire nation. I am glad we have a day to remember and honor him.

Thank you, Dr. King.

On another note, here is the sorry state of son #3 sweater:

Today I might get some knitting done on it, believe it or not. It is seriously crushing my knitting output. Unless I am in a slump.

Say it isn't so.

Here is the crumpled status of my shetland shawl design:

Let me fix that background, and stretch some of it out a bit for you:

Better? To be honest, I love this, and really enjoy working on it-- but it has been forced to rest at the bottom of the priority list for quite a while (since July). Hoping that today it will get at least a few rows, if not a whole pattern... (dreaming here) This is the center of a square shawl, and I am planning to do some really fun blendings of Shetland concepts in the border. The center is pretty straighforward, in the grand scheme of Shetland shawls.

If you have never explored Shetland's wonderful shawl knitting, here are some links:

Shetland Museum

Some Fine Lace photos at the Shetland Museum

Heirloom Knitting

Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer

The museum has a photo archive, which is loaded with fabulous pictures of many aspects of the Shetlands. Here's the link. If you go to the "Show All" link you will be swamped. I went to the subjects search, then chose the expand whosit (plus sign) for subjects. Then expand textiles, then knitwear, then finally there will be Haps (specific type of shawls), fine lace, etc. Enjoy. The fine lace photos link I gave you above went to the fine lace section.


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