Knitting Books
I am not going to show you the feeble amount of knitting I did yesterday. I have a total of 10 minutes daily for knitting, if that, and, well, it's just too dull.
Since Nancy and I see eye to eye on knitting books (thanks Nancy, and I remember you quite well!)-- I am packing up my Stay With Me" knitting books box.
(I need to have a conversation with Meg about sizing her books to properly fit into my book carton.)
And what do I do about my already-down-to-the-absolute-necessities lace books?
To say nothing of the precious and challenging-to-replace AS books?
(Notice I do not have Aran Knitting. I cannot bring myself to pay the prices demanded, and when it came out I was a newly married support-wonderful-DH -thru-Law School kind of gal and $39 or whatever it was was a lot of money to me. Hm. So is 300, for that matter. Anyway, my library still has it, and no I won't tell you which one since all the other libraries have had theirs mysteriously lost) Progress:There is room for Knitting Ganseys and Homespun Handknit on top and my eagle eye for packing figured out that I can still jam in Lisl Fanderl's books if I turn Mary Thomas on end.
Alice Starmore is still out in the cold, though.
Drastic measures are called for (a second box).
Good luck!
Good luck. I think my choices and yours on the books would have come out pretty close.