Knitting Books

I am not going to show you the feeble amount of knitting I did yesterday. I have a total of 10 minutes daily for knitting, if that, and, well, it's just too dull.
Since Nancy and I see eye to eye on knitting books (thanks Nancy, and I remember you quite well!)-- I am packing up my Stay With Me" knitting books box.
It is almost full, and there are some Meg books not in yet.
(I need to have a conversation with Meg about sizing her books to properly fit into my book carton.)

And what do I do about my already-down-to-the-absolute-necessities lace books?
To say nothing of the precious and challenging-to-replace AS books?
(Notice I do not have Aran Knitting. I cannot bring myself to pay the prices demanded, and when it came out I was a newly married support-wonderful-DH -thru-Law School kind of gal and $39 or whatever it was was a lot of money to me. Hm. So is 300, for that matter. Anyway, my library still has it, and no I won't tell you which one since all the other libraries have had theirs mysteriously lost)

Progress:There is room for Knitting Ganseys and Homespun Handknit on top and my eagle eye for packing figured out that I can still jam in Lisl Fanderl's books if I turn Mary Thomas on end.
Alice Starmore is still out in the cold, though.

Drastic measures are called for (a second box).


Anonymous said…
After your last post, I went to my shelves to make some recommendations--because I had to make the same calculations 2 years ago when I moved to Seattle. But you're moving FAST, gal, and I see I'm too late. Still, looks like you've made some good choices!
Good luck!
Nancy said…
(Hope it's good remembering from camp!) Having packed many times in my life, I'd say the most important things to keep with you are the necessities for DH and kids and self -- the necessities for you include the books. There's sanity there. (Sigh....and then there're the projects and the yarn for projects and gadgets and such....) But wait! The books and knitting are all part of who you are to yourself and as your family see you. So -- it is indeed essential to take it with you!
Linda said…
Hang in there! We made an offer on a house once and found out really quickly it was one of those crazy sellers - they wanted us to buy the house, then rent it back to them for the amount of our payment (they wanted proof) for however long it took for the new house they were going to build (it wasn't even started yet) to get finished. Ignoring the fact that's the worst runon sentence I think I've ever written, can you guess what we said?

Good luck. I think my choices and yours on the books would have come out pretty close.

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