Three times in three days??
Hi. Yup, me again. Really? What is going on here, Maggie? Three posts in as many days? Well. It might have something to do with the fact my husband and two of my children (aged 18 son, aged 16 daughter- yep- the one who just spent a month off the grid backpacking in Wyoming, that one)-- anyway, that those three are in Guatemala City on a missions trip. Now, mostly this is great: I can knit freely; fling my closet contents all over the place to figure out what really needs to be in there, or not; spread my stash around without fear of that face my husband gets when he sees its extent; overdose on Fixer Upper (my secret obsession); read without that nagging sense of the mess waiting for me in the kitchen/laundry room/refrigerator-- whatever. But also, since this town is pretty quiet in the summer, I can get wicked bored ... OK, maybe lonely-- perhaps that is why my dog dragged cardboard under the dining room table to gnaw on-- boredom/loneliness? She's an Australian Sh...