It is not something that has happened to me often. In fact, I can only think of one other time that I was without knitting for an extended time.
I was living in the Philippines, for 3 years-- and if you have dwelt that close to the equator then you have a pretty good idea why there was no wool moving thru my fingers.
Actually, since this was before the days of the Internet, email, cell phones, etc, and communication itself was challenging. No, I am not talking clipper ships (I'm a bit younger than that) but obtaining wool by mail order would have been challenging and, honestly, wearing it was inconceivable. I used to phone home twice a year (sometimes only once, at Christmas). I would have called more often but between the international operator challenges (formidable) and the cost ($100, and not exactly a long call) well, let me just say that $100 then was a whole lot of money. A stamp and a letter, while way slower, were a better way to keep in touch.
And lest someone talk to me about cotton, let me just say: no. I really don't care for it still but at the time knitting for me was wool sweaters. Wool mittens, Wool hats, wool-- well, I am sure you get the idea.
I still dislike knitting with cotton (high quality crochet cotton for doilies is another story but at the time I had not yet discovered knitted lace)-- you are welcome to enjoy it and I will cheer you on. I just don't care for it personally.
Anyway, continuing the theme of my previous slump (which was less a slump than a condition of Overwhelmed By Environment)-- when I finally came home from the PI, I travelled thru New Zealand and Australia. (I know very well that NZ is *not* in a direct line between the Philippines and the USA. However, it was a wonderful vacation while travelling home and boy howdy did I fall hard for that wonderful place)
Anyway, two big things I did in NZ, besides admiring sheep, climbing mountains and driving about were: tea drinking (I am an addict) and buying wool. My travel mate was astonished (she thought she knew me... she'd never met the fanatical knitter squashed by the environment of the PI). Why do you want all this wool? she would say. heh.
Ahem. The stash began on that very trip.
Anyway, this Genuine Slump I have been in-- I have discovered the perfect antidote.
The son for whom I am knitting the Slump-Inducer sweater? His birthday is in one week. I have made this my goal to get that dratted thing off my plate and am working on it far more aggressively. I am ignoring (with gritted teeth) the splitting of the wool and trying to focus on how gorgeously soft the knitted product feels (and it does feel luxurious. I slid the first sleeve onto my son's arm, to test the length and his face just glowed: Mommy, it feels GREAT.)